By Cassidy Brown
When I think of Wilsons Prom, I used to think of wombats, but these days I think of wombats, soggy tents, and the trip that wasn’t. We ventured out, eager and ready to brave an approaching storm, using every ounce of courage we could muster. We arrived at Tidal River, set up the tarps, tents, and chairs but then the rain appeared.
At the onset, it seemed, wet. Hours later it was still bucketing down and as morning broke, it was still, wet. If we looked close enough in the ponds that our tents were now sitting in, we thought we could just make out some fish. One of the participants quipped that we ‘should have brought our fishing rods!’
As we sat having breakfast, already soaked and the day just beginning, we stared out blankly as the sheets of rain fell, and fell, and fell… then fell and fell some more. As we saw the Yellow Submarine float by with John, Paul, George and Ringo inside, we began to think maybe this wasn’t the best time for our planned multi-night adventure into the bush.
With a brief discussion and a unanimous decision, we packed up quickly before the rain formed new rivers through the campsite and headed for home. One night of adventure was enough for us this time. We enjoyed drying out on the bus and even had a dry meal at the bakery before returning back to ODI headquarters. While we were all bummed to not get our week in the bush, we were all glad we wouldn’t need to use our emergency life jackets to float down the hiking trail.
The good weather at Wilsons Prom still eludes me, but hopefully, we can try again in our next calendar to get back to The Prom! Thanks to all the guys that came out and braved our funny, memorable, but most of all soggy, night at The Prom!
We didn’t take many photos because it was raining THAT much! But as you can see from the couple we did manage to snap, it was not ideal camping weather!
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