Our work is to improve the lives of people at risk or living with a mental health issue, and their carers, throughout Victoria. You can help, by leaving a Gift or Bequest to Out Doors Inc. (Out Doors).

(click to scroll)

1. Major Gifts

2. Bequests

3. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Major Gifts

Major gifts play a significant role in helping Out Doors achieve outcomes that are in line with our Strategic Plan and enable us to plan long-term program initiatives.

Personalise your investment by directing your gift towards a specific campaign or activity that is close to your heart. To help you decide where your support is best placed, we can provide you with a short, detailed proposal including an overview of current programs and associated costs. Within an agreed time frame, you will receive evidence that your funded activity has taken place, along with a summary of its impact on program outcomes and a final report. We encourage you to talk to us about how you would like to be kept up-to-date on your chosen campaign.


By leaving a legacy in your Will to Out Doors through a bequest, you make a powerful commitment that will change the future, for the better, for generations to come.

To discuss a major gift or leaving a bequest, please contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Any bequest, regardless of size, is gratefully received by Out Doors. The amount you leave is up to you and can be determined in the following ways.

  • The residue of your estate (after specific gifts and costs have been distributed)
  • A percentage of the residue
  • A specific amount of money
  • Specific items

To discuss a major gift or leaving a bequest, please contact us.

A Will is a legal document which details your wishes of how to distribute your assets (your Estate), after your death. We recommend that you consult your solicitor when preparing or making changes to your Will to ensure it is legal and valid.

To discuss a major gift or leaving a bequest, please contact us.

I give, devise and bequeath unto Out Doors Inc. in the State of Victoria for its general purposes, (a specified sum), or (specified items), or (the residue of my estate) free of all duties, and the receipt of the Director or other authorised officer, for the time being, shall be a complete and sufficient discharge for the executor(s).

To discuss a major gift or leaving a bequest, please contact us.

Small changes or additions to an existing Will such as the inclusion of a bequest to Out Doors can be done by adding a codicil which must be signed and witnessed in the same manner as a will.

To discuss a major gift or leaving a bequest, please contact us.