By Tammy Krslin
There is something for everyone this October.
Take a look at the list that we have compiled and get involved:
Running for the entire month of October
Frocktober (October) – is a campaign fundraiser to help shine a light on and support ovarian cancer research.
Visit: www.frocktober.org.au
Ocsober (October) – this initiative supports Life Education Centers and encourages making smart healthy life choices free from the harms associated with drug misuse.
Visit: www.ocsober.com.au
Conscientious Consumerism (October) – Buy cruelty-free products and shop less to help the environment.
Visit: www.buynothingnew.com.au
Animals and the Environment
World Animal Day (October 4) – To raise the status of animals in order to improve welfare standards around the globe.
Visit: www.worldanimalday.org.uk
Be Kind to Animals Week (1-7 October) – Edgar’s Mission Animal Sanctuary presents “Be Kind to Animals Week” – regardless of form, every being who treads, flies or swims upon this earth wants, needs and deserves kindness.
Visit: www.bekindtoanimalsweek.org.au
Australian Wildlife Week (5-11 October) – Australian Wildlife Week is commemorated across the country during the first week of October each year to encourage a positive relationship between humanity and nature.
To report a wildlife emergency, contact Wildlife Victoria on (03) 8400 7300 or 1300 094 535
Visit: www.aws.org.au/australian-wildlife-week
Enviroweek (21-27 October) – Shop with a clear conscious. Shop Ethical. Download The ethical shopping guide
Visit: www.shopethical.org.au or phone 0412 230 443
Colour your hair for mental health (5-11th October) – Colour your hair in any way you like and help raise funds for ground-breaking mental health research.
Visit: www.colouryourhair.com.au
National Nutrition Week (15-21 October) – Try something new. Try a new vegetable. Try a new recipe. Take part in the Nude food Challenge And Eliminate food packaging by taking a healthy lunch in reusable containers
Visit: www.nutritionaustralia.org
National Bandana Day (30 October) fundraiser by Canteen to support young people affected by cancer.
Visit: www.bandanaday.org.au
Every month, Out Doors Inc. gives our Participants a chance to share their stories and passion projects. If you’d like to learn more or get involved, contact us at marketing@outdoorsinc.org.au
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