By Liz McMillan
At this time of year, it takes more energy for your body to function optimally and stay warm, which includes digesting food. So, the less energy, or heat, needed by your body to do this, the better.
This means, avoiding cold foods, like those direct from the fridge and fruit and veg that grow in summer in Australia. And instead, choosing food that is available with the winter season, such as root vegetables, lots of leafy greens, and warming spices that are slow-cooked and nourishing, like in stews and soups.
It can also be easy when it’s cold to forget to drink water. But your body still needs it! Good choices here are opting for herbal tea over chilled drinks, especially warming ginger tea and chai as great alternatives to keep your fluids up.
So, remember, keep warm, eat warm, and don’t forget to get some sunshine!
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