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COVID-19 Update: The Lockdown Roadmap


As you may have seen already, the Premier has released Victoria’s Roadmap for reopening in safe, steady and sustainable steps. This is our path out of restrictions and into COVID Normal.

There are separate roadmaps for metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria. Below is a summary of the Roadmap and information about how the community services sector will be impacted.

For further information please visit the Victorian Government’s coronavirus (COVID-19) website, which will be updated as additional information becomes available.

What does this mean for Out Doors?

As an Essential Service, the staff of Out Doors Inc will continue to work remotely, supporting the community as best we can. Programs will continue to be suspended until further notice.

We do hope to run day activity programs in November and December (dependent on advice from the Department of Health and Human Services).

If you need to get in touch, please Contact Us.

Summary of steps towards COVID normal 

1. First step:

Regional Victoria
The first step only applies to Metro Melbourne.

Metro Melbourne (11:59pm 13 September)
Expanded social interaction including:

  1. The curfew across metropolitan Melbourne was eased from 9pm to 5am.
  2. Restrictions on public gatherings eased – 2 people or a household can meet outdoors for 2 hours maximum.
  3. If you live alone or are a single parent with all your children under 18 you will be able to have 1 nominated visitor to your home.

2. Second step:

Regional Victoria (11:59pm 13 September)
Social bubbles, visitors and staged return of education.

Metro Melbourne (28 September subject to trigger points and public health advice)
Social bubbles phased return of some workforces and education.

3. Third step:

Regional Victoria (11:59pm 16 September)
Increased reopening for sport, recreation, ceremonies and special occasions.

Metro Melbourne (26 October subject to trigger points and public health advice)
Major industries return increased reopening for education, sport, recreation, ceremonies and special occasions.

4. Last step:

Statewide (23 November subject to trigger points and public health advice)
Increased numbers for gatherings and hospitality.

5. COVID Normal:

Statewide (subject to trigger points and public health advice).
No restrictions for gatherings, visitors, hospitality or sport.

Industry Restart Roadmap

There are six COVIDSafe principles which apply to all industries:

  • ensure physical distancing (1.5 metres)
  • wear a mask or face covering
  • practice good hygiene
  • keep good records and act quickly if staff become unwell
  • avoid interactions in close spaces
  • create workforce bubbles. 

The COVIDSafe principles will be applied to four traffic light levels of restrictions tailored for each sector:

  • Closed
  • Heavily restricted
  • Restricted
  • Open with a COVIDSafe Plan

For the community services sector, the restriction levels for metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria are:

What if I need to talk to someone?

If you or anyone you know needs to talk to someone during this time, contact:

We wish you all the best during this difficult time and will keep you updated via email and our FacebookInstagram and Twitter accounts. 

Media Contact: Iudita Trifa-Schmidt, or (03) 9417 2111.

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