With Christmas almost upon us, we’re thrilled to invite you to the Out Doors Inc. end-of-year party, coming up on Thursday 1st December.
This year is going to be a particularly SPECIAL one as we celebrate 35 years of Out Doors Inc.! (Can you believe we’ve been around for that long?!)
To celebrate, we’re putting on a “Barefoot Bowls” party extravaganza with free food and drinks, games, music, prizes and, of course, barefoot bowling.
Check out all the details below. We hope you can make it, we’d love to celebrate with you!

Thursday, 1st December
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Flemington & Kensington Bowls Club
407-411 Racecourse Rd, Flemington
Tram: Next to Stop 28 on the Number 57 tram to West Maribyrnong, which departs the city from Elizabeth Street and runs through North Melbourne, then along Flemington Road and Racecourse Road.
Train: Newmarket Station, on the Craigieburn line, is three stops from the city and then it’s just a three-minute walk to the bowls club.
Parking: There’s free and unlimited parking on Smithfield Road, directly outside the club.
Annual General Meeting
Straight after the party, we’ll be having our 35th Annual General Meeting from 4-5 pm which you’re also welcome to attend.
Can’t make it in person? That’s ok. You can still join the Annual General Meeting online via Zoom. Here are the details:
Zoom Details
Meeting link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84020046859?pwd=QnhiYjBFVWk5aXFrc1hwUjNZVGgyQT09
Meeting ID: 840 2004 6859 Passcode: 249084
4:00 pm Registration
4:15 pm Welcome &Apologies
4:20 pm Confirmation of Minute
4:25 pm Chairperson’s Report
4:30 pm CEO’s Report
4:35 pm Treasurer’s Report (Election of Auditor)
4:45 pm Election of new Council
4:50 pm General Business
5:00 pm Meeting Closes