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Participant Stories: “Hello Springtime!”


By Tammy Krslin

Traditionally we associate Spring with rebirth and renewal anda prosperous time of growth in general when we are uplifted by the energy of warmer weather.

I’m optimistic that we will have a shift in mood from Stage 4 lockdown fatigue to an outlook of positivity.

The month begins with the Spring Racing Carnival and The 2020 Melbourne Cup, our annual Thoroughbred horse race held at Flemington Racecourse on the first Tuesday of November [3 November] (also my birthday 🙂 which is famous for fashion and headwear.

We have all adapted to this year due to COVID restrictions and so the competition is a little different and the public are uploading their entries to ‘Fashions on your front lawn!’

Fun fact: the official flower of Melbourne Cup is the yellow rose.

Spring is nature’s way of saying Let’s Party!

Robin Williams

Many Australians wear poppies on the lapel to honour those who died or suffered in all wars and we join in the act of minutes silence at 11am and acknowledge Remembrance Day [11 November].

We recognise the impact that isolation and surviving COVID has had on our community and the importance of our reflective learnings. We are seeking contributions from Participants drawing on positive outcomes of 2020. What worked for you? Perhaps something you saw or learnt. Stories focusing on what you did, to stay well; to maintain routine; to stay connected. Send your submission to

Every month, Out Doors Inc. gives our Participants a chance to share their stories and passion projects. If you’d like to learn more or get involved, contact us at

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